Vi tjejer tänker för mycket. Vi faller för killar för snabbt, utan att vi ens märker det. Vi märker det oftast när dom slutar vara så gulliga. Ofta faller vi också för dåliga killar, players, manshoror, äckliga och dumma jävlar. Och medans gulliga och världens snällaste killar kommer till oss, så bygger vi en fet jävla bro för alla och släpper bara in de dåliga killarna.. de ruttna, som typ kommer in och ut när dom vill. När vi fastnar för någon så kan vi verkligen inte släppa personen, vi låter personen alltid komma tillbaka för att man tänker "okey han kanske har förändrats, vem vet jag ger han en chans" Och efter varje chans blir vi mer sårade.. eller så blir vi också vana till att vi blir sårade så vi känner helt enkelt inte av det längre. Varenda tjej har någon gång blivit sårad av en kille, till och med de "starkaste" tjejerna.. Men som det står i rubriken: You can´t break a broken heart
Så lev livet, skit i framtiden och gör det som du blir lycklig av, oberoende på konsekvenserna
You can break me You can hurt me , Make me sad, Make me wanna cry, Wanna die, You can do anything Beside one thing.. You can´t take it all back afterwards...
let me live my life how I want to let me make my own mistakes Let me tie my own shoes, Swim over lakes, Without you Without anyone, Alone like the wind which blew And which no one felt.. No one cared about Even if it did cry, did shout.. No one did listen, or even heard Not even any bird .. Only angels in the sky Only God somewhere above Could hear my screaming Could see my eyes dreaming About one happy day About someone who could stay And only be with me Not yelling, not speaking Just being there for me..
I thought it was the end , The end of my heart beating faster, Of the vibes you send, I thought I didn´t care.. But when my eyes Saw you today; I forgot all the lies , All the reasons why with you I shouldn´t stay.. I understood, That you make me feel As I never feel should . Now I´m sure That I still love you That whole you make me so pure, That when you want me, I´ll be there for you And I´ll be Whatever you want to see.
I hate you For what you´ve done with me And I hate myself For falling for you over and over again ..
I hate it.. The feeling of Tears running down like shit Of crying until you start to cauth, The unslept nights when Nobody wants you, You´re alone Line a fucking dirty shoe.. When people you used to call friends, Do stupid things, irritate, fuck the mode, And people you actually called BEST friends Leave you, Don´t need you anymore Don´t even say hello, They go away when you need them the most And force you to let them go..
It all started with a talk , With a kiss, With a walk.. It ended up like this... His smile His eyes They were beautiful, she won´t lie She cries... His words said such things That gave her angel wings... This boy gave her a dream Wonderful thought.. He made her stop eating ice cream Because all his lies she bought.. This girl who never believed before Started to believe She did fall in love But he broke her heart.. Although she still does dream And she still loves him...
You were the first one I really started to love You were my honey, my soulmate, my baby, You really did make my heart jump above, Honey, you were amazing... But how you treated me, How you made people to see on me, You made me fall low, Boy I hate you so... But still I love you, yeah that´s the way I feel.. I even like the way you hurt me I like the way you lie And even the way you make my heart be Broken and shy Oh boy so shy..
4 years of studying, 4 years of fightíng, 4 years of laughing and being weird, 4 years together... Those years with 9b They made us to be Better people.. We have so many memories, So many feelings about each other. Not before at the end we´ve realised That we hate each other so much, But at the same time we love each other even more...
Times with you are now gone And they will never come back 9b-guys, I love you, and I wish you all luck
Jag trodde aldrig att jag skulle någonsin säga det här, Men jag kommer sakna er ..
I feel a tear in my eye And even if it´s the hundred tear, I won´t stop cry, Coz t´s happening againg after only one year... Loosing someone is not that bad, Not that sad As thinking of what what you´ve done if it Would be normal again As thinking that if we lived in a world without shit, As that I want to call you, but I can´t Becuse we don´t even speak with each other no more... oh no we don´t.. Something has ruined.. And even if I shouldn´t care , I still do Because I already miss you two...
Jag vet att jag är som jag är Jag vet att jag inte är perfekt.. Men jag ska stå upp för mig själv, även om det sårar både mig och andra
When life is shit.. Act with a smile, Play as if you didn´t care a bit, Go ahead and lie. Drink you drunk, Party like a rock star, Make out with a punk, Drive a nasty car Or even get lost in a bar. Wear bling-bling, Laugh and ignore, Just promise me one thing; That you won´t cry no more..
I miss those times When we all could laugh over and over again, When we didn´t know about any lies.. It will never be the same... I remember those days When I´ve got to know all of you, When we were together in every case, And when I found a soulmate too. All we knew Was us being together, Always telling the truth And to fights say 'whatever'. We didn´t knew that growing up Would make us such big fools, That only after one clap There came some stupid friendrules. Some of us don´t even speak with each other, And that is sad, because the friendship we had was great, You couldn´t find another. But now it´s too late And I regret it all the time, Coz even if my heart ain´t cry more, I sill would like all of us to sit together with a smile And talk with each other just like before.. <3
Now I´m a little bit lost without you, When everything goes a little bit wrong, When old things go bad, and so does new, When I walk and nobody comes along. Wrong choices Are the only thing I do right. Sad voices Are those I have too hear every night. But do you even know How I feel right now, How my life slowly becomes a horror show, No, you totally don´t know how I spend everyday in this hell, How it feels like I´m in jail. But I won´t never tell you anything of it either, Coz now it´s too late, Coz now it´s a new life I have to create. One without thoughts about You coming and taking me out Of here...
I was lost Didn´t know where to go , How much life really does cost, Wanted just follow the flow. Coz everybody had a father, A little daddy they adored I only had a mother, That made me so sad and bored. I waited for you every day, every hour, Every breathe I did take. But you never came to leak my sour, Now I know that my dreams were fake Coz every night I dreamed that you might Come and take me somewhere, Or maybe even buy me something for my b-day. But you never did care You chose to stay With your old family Gosh man, you make me dizzy. I´ve spent my short life On wishing that you´ll someday knock on my door Take mum as your wife And laugh with me everyday on the floor. But now I know, These dreams were just childish and unreal, Now I don´t even want to see you, oh no Even if it pains so bad, that´s just something what with I have to deal...
you gotta be in right minute In the right place You gotta be cute, Have the perfect face It doesn´t matter how much you want it It doesn´t matter how many times they say : you should just quit. Quit hoping for something, Someone who will never appear Because you ain´t got any wings You´ve only got broken heart and fear Fear for the future For the past. You´ve just got the wrong structure You are only you, only a just. Nothing less, nothing more So stop wishing whatever you´re wishing for..
I want you to be the one who gives me a smile, The one to who I can lie, The one who is telling me: 'Sweetie good night, Sleep tight', The one who is angry about me But also proud, The one who hugs me And the one who I can say "dad" to loud.. I know I will never get that Not even a piece of it I wish we could sit down and talk, have a little chat, I wish you just cared a bit.. You don´t do that.. I don´t even know how you look, if you´re skin or fat Or if you Look like Scoobie Doo, But I can dream still, Because I miss you, and miss you I will
Think what you want about me I don´t give a shit I don´t need any population kee Really, I don´t care a bit. Before I did , I cared I didn´t dared But now you can love me You can hate me Or even ignore me I have those who I need Because life´s speed Is too fast So enjoying it is a must
People do stuff without thinking, And at the end they let me do the drinking Drinking of fake shit It tastes horrible It´s would be better with clean alcohol Than this .. Don´t you know Don´t you just get it It is over now We gotta split.
If I said you could have it all You wouldn´t say no If I said you could do what you want you would start the same day . But if I asked you for just be there for me You would pretend as you never heard me speak And leave me broken without any leak..
I hate you for getting to know me I hate you for being with me I hate you for playing me and her I hate you for doing all the stuff I hate you for forgeting I hate you for everything But the most I hate myself for being a part of it ..
Shoo människor !
Jag e Dommie, 14år, går i 9an, älskar hästar, dans, sexy boys och mina bitches.
E bäst på att messa upp saker i mitt liv xD
Aj de kolla min blogg bara ! xd