Ginger D


Kategori: dikter by me

Tired of hoping
Tired of wishing
Tired of joking
Tired of fishing
Happines in the sea
Of lifeness
Coze I may not be
Brave, not have enough brightness.
My mind say keep holding on
My heart screams no!
I don´t want this
Anything of it
I don´t want to hope, I don´t want to wish
Fuck.. life is shit

godnattsdikt xD

Kategori: dikter by me

remember the day which were good
forget everything what gives pain
Because smiling is the only thing you should
When your man kisses you in the rain

dikt . av mej

Kategori: dikter by me

Keep on
Don´t let go
What is done is done.
Just let life flow
But not too fast
Let the memories last
for long.
you will be adored
you will get hurt
you will be bored
Sometimes you´ll fart.
You´ll get mad
But also laugh,
People will make you sad,
nobody said it wouldn´t be tough.
So live like your mama told yah ,
die with a smile on your face
Make it a good race
and let your last word be: daaah

I miss you

Kategori: dikter by me

You can tell me that you love me
You can tell me that you missed me
You can tell me that you don´t want to know me
You can even tell me that you hate me ..
The only thing  I want is you speaking to me,
Me meeting you after 13 years.
It doesn´t matter if I remember you as a good father
Or as a dickhead
I just want to have something to remember..
Someone to remember..
I miss you


Kategori: dikter by me

broken so much
that my feelings can´t catch
every shit I´ve got
every shit I gave
I´ve smiled much, but also cried a lot.
Tried to be brave
But I do not have more power
I want to live my life again
I want to be like a newborn flower
Have no worries, nothing to plan.
People don´t understand
They don´t know
That every thing i helped them as a friend
I´ve teached by my own experieces.
They see one thing and want to die
I had to survive so much..
I was also forced to lie
All of you think that I have it so good
But you only know the positive of my life
If you would know it all, you would just give me a knife
Hug me goodbye
Wish me luck
And make my life fuck..



Kategori: dikter by me

Today I found out
That I´m still such a fool
When I was going to take my cout
I saw you :
Watching me there
And I started to get it 
That I cant push my minds away
That when I see you my heart does beat.
People say : You don´t even know him
But so what
They don´t know, they aren´t in my skin
Your face was a shock
I ran away like an idiot
But in fact I wanted to stay and say hi
Now I will not even get a 'bye'


Kategori: dikter by me

You were just some boy I saw
You were just some boy I knew
You were there, it was something new
So it made me fall in love with you.


Kategori: dikter by me

Could she be the best
When she´s a slut
Can you just nock me on my chest
Just because she fits into your new flat?
Why couldn´t you give ME a possibility?
How could you just forget me
And not become any guilty
But I will not care, I will be free.
Now all of you are just a game
And trust me, which is very lame!
But now just tell me
Is it of her 'beauty'
Or is it just a hore you want to see ? ;)


Kategori: dikter by me

Tomorrow will decide
Tomorrow I gotta know
If I am good, if I am fine
Or maybe no...
I´ll laugh until my stomach feels pain
Or cry until I cry out all the tears away
I´m gonna forget and go on
Or remember until the day I die
Don´t know what do do, if keep holding on
Or live in a huge lie.
If there are bad news
Which I´m so afraid of
I will not have enough of glues
To stop my hearts cough.

rastlös -.-

Kategori: dikter by me

Meet it
On a busstation
Make it
Get more popularation
Change it
To a cake in seven eleven
And at the end leave it
In the desert of heaven


Kategori: dikter by me

Now who do care?
I don´t even dare
There´ll be alwas the same
One time lame
Then forever lame.
Sometimes I wish I could change it
But sometimes I feel good about it.
Better to be lame and smile
Than be chill and lie ..


Kategori: dikter by me

The only thing I wanted of you
Was to get the truth
But now when I´ve got it
Am I satisfited and fine?
Now I´m sure that I didn´t meant a thing
And you never were really mine.
Because while I loved you
You treated me as a hoe
I wasn´t the one, I was only a new,
But then I told you 'no'.
So now tell me boy
Was it because of my talk
You stopped treating me like a toy?
Or was it not?
Anway.. your change was a big chock
So I don´t know if I prefere the not knowing
And the dreams showing..

dikt.. by me ofc xD

Kategori: dikter by me

Some things are difficult
Some things are not,
Some things give good result,
Some just gives you shot.
But deep inside
You know, You´ll wait
Coze in your mind
You´ve got a mate;
Which listen and care
And gives you a hug
When you sadly just stare
Oh, such a luck.
You know there in someone
Somewhere in the sky
Who´ll be your bestfriend, your lovegun,
Who´ll cry yout tears when you wanna cry...


Kategori: dikter by me

Why did you leave me
I didn´t do anything
I was only at age three
I couldn´t dance, I couldn´t sing
So how could I make you go away
From me and mom
We both wanted you to stay
Or even sometimes come
And say hi to your daughter
Hug me like a father
My heart is so cutten
I just have a mother...
No dad who puts smile on my face
No dad to hold my hand
No dad to hug me in case
I would wrongly land.
Why am I still waiting
For you to be here
If you don´t care a thing
And will never appear...

dikt jag skrev .. förrigår ?

Kategori: dikter by me

I shouldn´t care
That I´m not in your heart
I know it´s not fair
But you´re not that smart
To know who loves you strongly
Who seems to cry
Who walk in the rain lonely
With a heart which does die.
No, you´ll never understand
I gotta get through this
But u have to get it friend
You´re not the pimp after only one kiss ;)
Coz I will find a better one
And he will love me with his every little part
So baby come on
U shouldn´t throw away any card,
I know what I´m sayin'
You can´t tell that I don´t
Honey, start prayin'
With your heart on the front.
Than God maybe will listen
And he will give you some girl
You´ll keep her than in
Ur heart like a pearl.
But maybe u don´t deserve
God only knows
Boy u gotta observe
Girls hearts, not stripshows -.-.
I know you want to be a player
Trust me, I want it too
But.. Err
I´m going to make it through
Better than you
Cause you´re ugly like a fuel
And I am not.
I´m just telling u.. don´t even wear any jewl
Nothing can make you hot ;)

dikt från igår.. by my feelings.. again

Kategori: dikter by me

They don´t speak anymore
Nothing is like before
Tears are running down on my cheaks
They are a salt and water mix
I hate the fights
And I will hate them forever,
Okay, everyone have their own rights
But don´t cross the line, never.
It´s just getting worse and worse
That sometimes I wish I had a horse
With which I could run away
From all this fuck
But now I gotta stay
And pray for the luck

fuck "/

Kategori: dikter by me

What a hell have I done ?
Just to have a little fun
I shouldve understand it
But no, I just had to shoot it.
Now the beginning will never begin..
I want to take time back
Or hit your ugly faceskin
And on his heart, I´d do a 'knock-knock'

I am bored xD .. så ni får en psycho dikt av mej:P

Kategori: dikter by me

Hold me
Never let me go
Kiss me
High and Low
Make me
Happy like never before
Shake me
Until I say 'No'

one of hundreds

Kategori: dikter by me

Why did you gave me a chance?
I thought we had something small
Maybe not a romance,
But a crush, little love fall.
Than you went away...
Guys are psychopaths
We girls are only a fast play
We are a number in maths.
When we think that we are the one
In fact we are just one of hundreds...

You´ll always find a good step

Kategori: dikter by me

Sometimes you have to take one step back
For going up two steps after some time.^
I know, often life is just fuck
Bad sour, just like lime.
But when you at least expect
When You think that nothing can ever be good
You´ll see a perfext effect
And lok at yourself in the mirror with a great mood.