Ginger D


Kategori: dikter by me

Why did you leave me
I didn´t do anything
I was only at age three
I couldn´t dance, I couldn´t sing
So how could I make you go away
From me and mom
We both wanted you to stay
Or even sometimes come
And say hi to your daughter
Hug me like a father
My heart is so cutten
I just have a mother...
No dad who puts smile on my face
No dad to hold my hand
No dad to hug me in case
I would wrongly land.
Why am I still waiting
For you to be here
If you don´t care a thing
And will never appear...


  • Malle - Hockeyfru säger:

    tack ;) haft en bra helg?

    2009-11-29 | 20:03:01
  • ems säger:

    du skriver så jävla fina ... <3

    2009-11-29 | 20:50:21

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