Ginger D

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Kategori: dikter by me

You can´t just say what you like
Can´t all of you understand
I have feelings in my heart, in my might
I do never land
On my legs and stand
I often fall to pieces,
And my heart misses.
Sometimes I just need a hug
Someone who can stay by my side
Drink hot chocolat from a mug
And want my mum to be proud.
So don´t judge me,
Because some of you don´t know me
Some of you think I´m bad
But I´m just sad..
Okay I sometimes destroy peoples feelings
But I´m just a human
I have dreams..
I don´t know what to say
I should just pray,
To forget all bad things what happened
And wait for a good times to be send
To me ...


  • Mimmi säger:

    Fett fin dikt! men kan du lägga upp bilderna du tog idag, så kan jag sno dom? (a)

    2009-09-06 | 00:43:27
  • ems säger:

    dommie, du e så jävla bra på at skriva ! <333

    2009-09-06 | 10:53:04

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