Ginger D

jag har tråkigt så jag skriver dikter

Kategori: dikter by me

I want the time to go back

I want to do so much.. but oh fuck

Nothing is good

Everything is wrong

I do stuff which I not should

And until now my tears bilded a long song.

I want us together

Again, but when will it happen?

Yeah.. never

Becuase it´s too late

But remember, I´ll always love you old mate.

Life is life

Kategori: dikter by me

Life is life
Sometimes good, sometimes bad
You´ll have tears behind your smiles,
For happiness you´ll walk 1000 miles.
So don´t think too much,
Cause life is like a football match.
Sometimes you shoot goal,
But sometimes the ball hits you and you fall..

pallar inte mer :'(

Kategori: dikter by me

Pallar seriöst inte mer
Varför kan inte du bara låta mej glömma dej ... "/

dikt av mej

Kategori: dikter by me

You can´t just say what you like
Can´t all of you understand
I have feelings in my heart, in my might
I do never land
On my legs and stand
I often fall to pieces,
And my heart misses.
Sometimes I just need a hug
Someone who can stay by my side
Drink hot chocolat from a mug
And want my mum to be proud.
So don´t judge me,
Because some of you don´t know me
Some of you think I´m bad
But I´m just sad..
Okay I sometimes destroy peoples feelings
But I´m just a human
I have dreams..
I don´t know what to say
I should just pray,
To forget all bad things what happened
And wait for a good times to be send
To me ...

made by my feelings

Kategori: dikter by me

You think we´re bad
But we know that she´s sad
We cared a lot
Then she made in our hearts a big sore
And now we care not.
Okay, we are mean girls
But she´s a stupid fool
You think her heart is made of pearls
But in real our hearts really rule.
Cause she doesn´t even have a heart
She has nothing left at all
We were together but falled apart
Now we want to see her fall
Like we did before.

We make her life hell
But she made it so worse for us
She made it so bad for me ...
And believe me or not
I still miss the old times with her
When I loved her like a fat kid loves candy.

Now I hate her like a vegetarian hates meat.
And I don´t care what you think about it
Really, I don´t give a shit !


Kategori: dikter by me

Don´t stop believing
The dreams have to stay.
Don´t even stop breathing
The dreams will never fly away.
They might never be the thurth,
But sometimes they become something better,
Sometimes a lie is better.

dikt.. by me ;)

Kategori: dikter by me

Take me away
Just let me go
I don´t want to stay
With somebody who can´t show
The love which he told me
At the church when I had white dress
I just can´t stay and see
How my life doesn´t sucess

Kategori: dikter by me

Här kommer en dikt by me som är om en person som har sårat mej litegranna...

I thought we had something
But now I know that I was wrong
You think that you´re a king
But now I´m not going to sing your song
I´ll have my own, which is better
So if you want to come back some day
You´ll have to write a letter
And say:
'Love you'
Because I do
I Love You...


Kategori: dikter by me

Deep inside
My heart jumps around
It wants to breath
But underneath
There´s two boys
Not toys
They want to jump with the heart
Make it fall apart
But the heart doesn´t let them go in
Cause for two it´s too skin
It cryies
It lyies.
I made a deal
But can´t start feel....

dikt by dommie

Kategori: dikter by me

Why did you dissapear
We were so near
Each other
But you found another
Girl, I guess she is better
But I send you this letter
Just to see
If you remember me
I´m sure you´re not
Because you don´t think a lot
So do not even answer this
Have a nice life and live in peace